07 May

Golf is a sport that requires proper technique and form to perform well. One of the most fundamental aspects of golf is the grip, which is the foundation of your swing. To achieve the perfect golf grip, it’s essential to understand the proper steps to follow. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve a good golf grip.

Before practising your golf grip, you need to choose the type of grip that best suits your playing style. There are three common types of golf grip: the overlapping grip, the interlocking grip, and the ten-finger grip.

The overlapping grip is the most popular grip used by golfers. To do this, place the pinky finger of your trailing hand (right hand for right-handed golfers, left hand for left-handed golfers) between the index and middle fingers of your lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers, right hand for left-handed golfers). This grip provides a secure hold on the club and is recommended for those with larger hands.

The interlocking grip is similar to the overlapping grip. Still, instead of placing the pinky finger between the index and middle fingers, it is interlocked with the index finger of the lead hand. This grip is recommended for those with smaller hands.

The ten-finger grip, also known as the baseball grip, involves holding the club with all ten fingers wrapped around the grip. This grip is recommended for beginners or those with weaker grip strength.

Once you have chosen the correct golf grip, it’s time to place your hands on the club. Start by placing your lead hand on the club, ensuring the grip is in the fingers, not in the palm of your hand. The club should be positioned diagonally across your fingers, with the thumb pointing down the shaft.

Next, place your trailing hand on the club, ensuring it is set slightly lower than the lead hand. Your trailing hand should be positioned with the thumb pointing down the shaft, similar to your lead hand.

Grip pressure is an essential aspect of achieving a proper golf grip. Your grip should be firm enough to hold the club but not so tight that it restricts movement. A good rule of thumb is to grip the club at about a 5 or 6 on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being very light and ten being very tight.

Start by placing your lead hand on the club with a relaxed grip to achieve the proper grip pressure. Next, place your trailing hand on the club with the exact flexible grip. Gradually tighten your grip until you reach the desired pressure.

Proper alignment is crucial to achieving a proper grip of golf. Your hands should be aligned parallel to each other and the target line. This ensures the clubface is square to the ball at impact, which is necessary for a straight shot.

Start by placing your lead hand on the club with the clubface square to the target line to achieve proper alignment. Next, place your trailing hand on the club, ensuring it is aligned with your lead hand. Your hands should be parallel to each other and the target line.

Once you have achieved the proper golf grip, checking it before taking your swing is essential. Place the club on the ground with the clubface square to the target line. Ensure your hands are aligned parallel to each other and the target line. Your grip pressure should also be at the desired level.

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